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Form of Payment Colombia

We offer secure payment for Colombia with:
PSE - Safe Purchase from Nequi.

How to Buy Only from Colombia:

1. Select the COP currency (Colombian Pesos) at the top.

2. Add all the Midis, Karaokes, etc. to cart.

3. Write your total in Colombian pesos COP

4. Confirm the cart and enter your email and then complete the form. (There's no need)

5. Enter PSE NEQUI Payments: Click Here Nequi PSE

6. Cell No.: 3232229986

7. Type of Person: Natural or Legal (For Companies)

8. Select Your bank for payment by PSE

9. Perform the Capcha (I'm not a Robot)

Go ahead and make your payment.

Finish the whole process.

10. Once the payment is made, send a copy of your payment to or

11. You will receive your midis immediately within business hours to your email.